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Town Center EDH
Youngdahl Consulting Group, Inc. has been involved from conception to completion of the Town Center in El Dorado Hills.
The Town Center is a regional complex including numerous retail shops, a market, Target shopping center, restaurants, an IMAX movie theater, car dealership, gymnasium, hotels and housing.
Site development included earthwork cuts and fills up to 20 feet to generate the building pads, interior infrastructure and site roadways. The site is underlain by shallow bedrock and during site grading the on-site materials were re-used for rockery wall construction and processed on-site for use as aggregate baserock. During the rock production activities Youngdahl monitored the material properties and conducted conformance laboratory testing. The development included a creek re-alignment and crossings of the creek in several areas of the site. Youngdahl conducted detailed analysis of the planned crossing sites and assisted the owner in the selection of optimal bridge type. Ultimately, the use of a Con/span bridge system was selected an economical design involving relatively fast, set-in-place construction. Youngdahl designed a series of rockery walls around the site and reinforced engineered backfill approaches to support the con/span structures and associated wingwalls.
The Town Center East project consists of numerous buildings, ranging from one to four-stories, of wood frame, steel braced frame and concrete masonry unit (CMU) construction. The buildings are supported on shallow conventional foundations with concrete slab-on-grade first floors. Youngdahl’s scope of services included numerous environmental site assessments, an assessment of the presence of Naturally Occurring Asbestos (NOA), geotechnical engineering services and retaining wall design for various phases of development. During earthwork grading activities we provided construction quality control, including earthwork testing and observation, monitoring of lime treatment operations and retaining wall construction and backfill. Earthwork observation and testing was followed by providing a full range of special inspection services for numerous structures within the center.
Environmental Assessments
NOA Evaluation
Detailed Geotechnical Studies
Geologic Hazard Assessment
Modular Block and Rockery Retaining Wall Design
On-site rock production QA
Geotextile Reinforced Fill Design
Earthwork Observation and Testing
All Special Inspection (Including)
Concrete Mix Design Review
Structural Concrete
Masonry Block Placement Observations
Structural Steel Welding
Non-Destructive Testing
Laboratory Materials Testing
Main Photo Credit: Pursuing Home Real Estate Group
Project Details
El Dorado Hills, CA, USA
Blue Shield, The Mansour Company, El Dorado Irrigation District, Weber General Engineering, Mercedes Benz of EDH, and Edwards Company
Earthwork Construction Services |
Geotechnical Engineering |
Laboratory Testing |
Materials Testing & Special Inspection |
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